Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Join hands for a better tomorrow

Hi folks!
Time is changing very fast. Every community is trying to get maximum share of power in social, economic and political spheres. If we lag behind, there will be nothing left for the tribes of India. We can claim our rightful place in the society and the country by means of politicisation -that is by creating an awareness among our people about our constitutional rights and safeguards.

I therefor call upon all my young friends to join hands for a better tomorrow by taking up leadership positions and responsibility for empowering our communities irrespective of the sectarian divides.

We may begin with an introspection of our current scenario and try to study the factors that inhibit our holistic growth, development and mainstreaming.

I am looking forward to receiving your opinion/observations/reflections. Feel free to discuss any issue which has any improtance for the tribal communities of the country.

Send in your contributions to:

Bye for now,

Yours truly,

Kavita Khalkho